
Contemporary Resort - Magical Shops of Fantasia | DISNEY PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


In all my trips to Disney, I have never truly explored the Contemporary Resort.

We’ve eaten breakfast there once many moons ago and I’ve ridden through the resort on the monorail countless times, but this evening we decided to have dinner there. I had no idea how many underground floors there were! There is a whole world hidden inside this resort and it’s on many different lower floors for exploration. It was really cool AND I learned the true entrance to the hotel is actually a floor below this one where all the shops are.Summer is coming and I am just not a fan of being at Disney during the summer and standing in line for an hour (or more!) melting into a puddle of sunblock and Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream.  BUT I was invited on a weekend, all expenses paid, trip to Disney. So, am I going to say no because of the above complaints? No way - time to break out the sunblock and ice cream!The good news is that being a Disney pro means knowing all the insider tips/tricks and also realizing that since we live close enough if we don't see/do something we can come back next time with our passes.I am super *stoked* about getting more Disney shots. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions of what you'd like to see a picture of at Disney? Doesn't matter the park - our passes let us go anywhere we please!

No Trespassing: $500,00 Reward | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


You wouldn't believe me when I say this photo session began with watching an escaped herd of cows be herded back to their home by a station wagon honking it's horn, then I wandered around a 132 yr. old graveyard, and ended the twilight hour by finding this abandoned square building.

I honestly thought a random homeless person might pop out to scare me half to death, just for kicks. 

After taking this, I pretty much ran back to my car having scared myself with my own over-active imagination.

Mad Tea Party: Spinning Into Oblivion | DISNEY WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


I don't know when it happened.

When I was little, I could spin

& spin

& spin

& spin

& spin until I just couldn't see straight and thought it was the best thing ever. Now, well, just writing spin that many times made my stomach do a lil' kickflip. One year spinning like a top was awesome and the next year I went on one spin ride at the fair and was sick for two days. Cruel, cruel inner ear - why have you forsaken me? Alas, this means no more riding Disney's Mad Tea Party - but watching it is definitely still fun.


Sometimes, Words Get In The Way | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams

I keep a running list of places I think would be great for taking pictures. I have every intention of going and even make detailed plans to get there. Sometimes, though, I just decide to veer off the road I am driving on to find a random nook or cranny and see if there's a photo opportunity waiting to happen. I was driving home from work and wanted to avoid traffic, so I took a turn onto an off road. I saw the sign for the park, noticed it wasn't too long from sunset, and decided to swing on through to check it out. I got there pretty early for sunset, so I had extra time to kill.

I was alone with my camera, enjoying the quiet of it all. The water + the breeze + the quiet all added up to a peaceful moment - and then a man came out of the woods, directly to my right and quite unexpectedly, to which my heart decided it wanted to sprint far far away from it's current location, my chest. He looked just as surprised as me and even said "Woah, I didn't know anyone was out here". I informed him he scared me straight outta my Chuck's and he explained there was a special fishing spot nearby but you had to sneak through a secret pathway to get there. He also let me know there were several other folks there and they would probably be popping through soon - so be prepared. Luckily, none of them surprised me like he did and I managed to snag some great sunset shots.