Good Morning, Mr. Frog | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams

It's morning and I am tired. Normal, right? As I shuffle....shuffle....shuffle to get my coffee in the O'Dark 30 AM, something catches my eye as being out of place. I look to my left and here is this frog just............hanging around (I couldn't resist). I just LOVED how he had his legs and arms all stretched out like he was the frog version of Spiderman. 

Lately, the frogs have grown in number on our front porch. There is usually at least one but I think the weather has helped encourage more to hang out on the glass around our door. Maybe they went on and said that we were a frog-safety zone. Who knows. Of course I grabbed my camera and he was kind enough to pose (I even thanked him). I can only imagine what my neighbors must have thought if they saw me in my pajamas photographing INTO our house.

I haven't really seen many frogs these past few days but they always return. I don't mind. As long as it's not snakes.

Hidden Inside Epcot Morocco | Disney photography by Rachel Abrahams


When visiting Epcot, most people do 1 or 2 things: Ride all the rides in Future World and/or drink their way through the World Showcase. Now, I know that's not true for everyone but it's very common. I feel like people are missing out so much in the World Showcase when they only spend time at the bars because the awesomeness is not so plainly obvious (say that 10x fast). So, what is there for you to do when you visit the World Showcase? Most people see the countries as boring yet I get so excited about the DETAILS. Ya, I know this is easier said than done if you've got kids in tow but I challenge you the next time you visit Epcot's World Showcase to really wander into and around the "countries". You will be amazed at everything hidden. Move awaaaaay from the lagoon in the middle of the World Showcase and back into the alleys of the countries.

My favorite example of this? Epcot's Morocco. Here is only a small photo sampling of what there is to offer but there is a bazaar hidden in this area. Did you know that?!?

Excellent music and things to see in the World Showcase! Trust me.

P.S. If you do have kids in tow, there are kid stations in each of the countries where they can pick up a mask on a stick and then take it around to every country to get it signed in the country's native language. This definitely helps keep the kids entertained! We picked ours up in Italy and went from there. We also challenged my two cousins to ask everyone how to say hello & goodbye in their native language and learn it.

Sea Oats at Sunset Part II | Florida PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


Is it cheating if I post two "Sea Oats At Sunset" photos back to back? I just couldn't resist sharing this photo though! I didn't want to wait and, being as impatient as I am known to be, I am going ahead. I had to grab the sea oats and "pose" them into the shot so I could show the maximum amount of sunset color in between the rain clouds and the beach at a nice angle. I swear I wasn't trampling all over the dune - so no one point any fingers at me! I was being a savvy and aware beach goer. Scouts honor.

Sea Oat at Sunset | FLORIDA PHOTOGRAPHY by Rachel Abrahams


Confession: I've been super terribly horribly bad about posting on my blog lately.

I just can't get a schedule going that keeps everything consistent but I am definitely working on it. In the meanwhile, to appease the masses I wanted to share this picture I took while in Venice Beach, Florida two weekends ago. It was my first time being on a Florida beach and getting to watch the sun set over the ocean. I live on the East Coast, which means getting up at O-Dark-30 to get a Sunrise view. There will be more of these pictures soon, I promise! It was pointed out to me recently that for living on the beach, I definitely don't have enough beach pictures. Challenge Accepted!

When you go to the beach, when is your favorite time to visit? Morning? Bright & sunny daytime? Storms? Evening? I personally prefer the later in the day into sunset portion since I burn so easily. I also know the cardinal rule - don't swim in the ocean around sunset. That's feeding time (YIKES!).